
Orange County Housing Report: Bizarre Market Movement

Hello! Onward we go into the new year! May there be many answered prayers day by day as we watch the happenings on so many fronts. Praying for others as we hear of the events unfolding in our state, nation, and around the world is powerful in a two-fold way, (1) it compels us to look outside of ourselves to the lives of others, praying for them, and providing a helping hand. (2) it compels us to focus individually on what we have to be grateful for in the moments of each day. The word “remember” is powerful when we can look for and find the simplest blessings in our day. I am always so thankful that each day is a new day dawning and I get to participate in the day! For us in California, today, we can give thanks for the warmth of the sunshine and only a light breeze; for the men and women who defend and protect us; and for the gifts of family, friends, and helping hands from far and wide. May we pause to remember all that we have to be thankful for, adding these thoughts to a 2025 daily gratitude list!

Now, though, onward to the OC real estate market this 23rd day of January. The Steven Thomas Orange County Housing Report is below my signature line. It is titled “Bizarre Market Movement”. Oh my, not a typical headline as we race into the beginning of the typically very busy Spring Housing Market, which has officially commenced. Bizarre?? How so…???

More houses are coming on the market FOR SALE!!! Sellers now seem ready to move onward with their life plans and many of the obstacles to doing this are beginning to be removed. We still are well below equilibrium in our housing market, so the homes that are being listed early in this season speak to “ready, set gooooooooo…!”

YES!! (fist pump!)…BUT…the interest rates have remained high and that is continuing to restrict affordability for the Buyers. Hmmmmm…there is definitely serious, qualified, talk of interest rates dropping this year.

BUT…there is optimism on the homebuilding front as builders are indeed getting ready to BUILD!
AND…there is a solid optimism in many hearts, even amidst the events that can so easily discourage, that there are changes quickly coming that are GOOD!

SO…we go onward, with hopeful anticipation, that these variables will align to provide a solid economic foundation for all of us to make plans and realize those plans this year!

Steven’s report is always a wealth of information! Enjoy a good cup of coffee as you read it. (Kona Loa Coffee Shop on Jeronimo has a “honeybee coffee” that is a favorite of mine 🙂 YUMMM!)

I look forward to helping with your real estate endeavors in the year to come! YES!! (End zone dance with a LOL!)