Selling a home is undoubtedly an expensive endeavor, but it can be even more costly if you go it alone. Without the help of a real estate agent, you could find yourself making some expensive mistakes and missing out on lucrative opportunities.
Read MoreWhat exactly do real estate professionals think about home staging and how much it influences a real estate deal?
Read MoreBorrowers have plenty of options when it comes to the type of mortgage they can take out to finance a home purchase.
Read MoreIn a way, it’s a competition: you and your neighbors are essentially competing for the same buyers. It’s anyone’s game, but there are things you can do to gain an edge over the other listings in your neighborhood.
Read MoreBuying a home is undoubtedly a massive purchase that requires a substantial amount of money up front in the form of a down payment. But it can be tough to come up with a lump sum of money. As such, many homebuyers choose to buy homes with minimum down payment amounts, such as 5% down, 3.5% down, and even 0% down in some cases.
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